On April 25, 2021 Officer M Peterson was dispatched to the scene of an accident at the intersection of Old Norcross Road and Raco Drive.
A Dodge Charger 5XT driven by Ms. M Clemente and a Honda CR-V driven by Ms. B Bailey were involved in a collision.
Both vehicles re driving east on Old Norcross Road approaching Raco Drive.
Ms. Clemente stated that she reached down towards her passenger seat to pick up a bottle of water. She did not notice that Ms. Bailey’s vehicle had stopped in front of her at the red traffic signal.
Ms. Clemente’s vehicle rear-ended Ms. Bailey’s vehicle.
There was slight damage to both vehicles.
Ms. Clemente sustained minor lacerations.
Ms. Bailey had recently undergone a procedure on her jaw, which was distressed by the accident.
Ms. Clemente had an outstanding warrant from Ruban County and was arrested.
Her vehicle was removed from the scene by a friend.
Ms. Bailey removed her own vehicle from the scene.
The accident was reported in Lawrenceville, Gwinnett County.